Wood Ash Roasted Heirloom Beets, Darbo Apricot, Dark Cherry Vinegar, Lemon Oil foam
Cool beets, then finish over hot wood ash for 10 minutes and peel the beets. Quarter beets and keep them separated (yellow & red). Add 2 oz. of Darbo Apricot Marmalade to each. Add 2 oz. of Dark Cherry Vinegar ( Villa Manadori) and roast @ 385° for 6 minutes in the oven – remove from oven and cool. Then plate it, garnish as desired, Romanesco and mashe lettuce as shown in the picture
1 lb. Yellow Beets
1 lb. Red Beets
Cook ¾ of the way, leave al dente
Lemon Oil Foam
150 gr. Lemon juice
100 gr. Simple syrup
250 gr. Water
4 gr. Soy Lecithin powder